English Years 7-10
The focus in English in Years 7 to 10 at Molong Central School is to develop students’ ability to become effective communicators in both verbal and non- verbal formats. Throughout each year the students will engage with a variety of written texts, such as poetry, novels, plays, and also visual texts, such as film, documentaries, and posters. By enhancing their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of a diverse range of texts and text types, we aim to refine students’ ability to write imaginatively, interpretively and critically for a range of purposes and contexts.
Through the study of a range of increasingly complex texts, the students will be challenged to not only comprehend the ideas being presented, but also extend their own thinking and decipher how the world is being represented by different composers. This will allow students to better understand the world around them and develop their ability to become active participants in our ever-changing world. We also aim to develop the students love of literature and foster their desire to remain as lifelong learners.
The English Faculty at Molong Central School is also committed to developing students’ writing, with a focus on the mechanics of the written texts. Students will learn about sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling. This will allow them to convey their ideas with clarity and develop confidence in their ability to communicate in a variety of ways.
The students will experience a wide range of texts across Years 7 to 10. These include Shakespeare, Australian literature, including texts by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People, and texts composed by people from a variety of cultures.
English Years 11-12
The English Department at Molong Central School offers students the full range of courses in the Senior school. All courses build on students’ skills and learning that was undertaken in Years 7 to 10.
English Studies
English Studies is course that is for students who want to further develop their verbal and non- verbal communication skills in academic, social and workplace contexts. Students will study a variety of texts and explore the ideas and concepts presented by the composers, including Australian, Asian and First Nations authors. There is a focus on developing students’ use of language, through the exploration of language forms and features used in an extensive range of quality texts.
In Year 11, students study a mandatory module, Achieving Through English: English in education, work and community, as well as two to four additional modules.
In Year 12, students study 2- 4 modules, as well as the Common Module, Texts and Human Experiences, which is common to Standard, Advanced and English Studies.
Students who wish to be eligible for an ATAR must complete the optional HSC examination.
English Studies contributes to the required 2 units of English to be eligible for the HSC.
Standard English
English Standard provides students who are proficient in their literacy skills the opportunity to study a range of quality literature in a variety of written and visual forms. There is a strong focus on the analysis of texts in relation to their content, meaning and exploration of specific concepts. Students will engage in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing throughout the course. This will allow them to refine their skills and use of language forms and features in their own writing.
In Year 11, students study 3 modules, one of which, Reading to Write: Transition to Senior English is also common to the Advanced course.
In Year 12, students study 4 modules, of which the Common Module, Texts and Human Experiences, is common to Standard, Advanced and English Studies.
Advanced English
Advanced English is designed for students who have a love of literature and wish to expand their capabilities in relation to investigating and evaluating ideas in increasingly sophisticated and challenging texts. In this course, students examine a variety of textual forms, including texts composed by Australian, Asian and First Nations authors, as well as Shakespearean drama. Students will analyse the use of language forms and features by renowned composers and use this knowledge to refine their ability to incororate language in a sophisticated way and make meaning in their own compositions.
In Year 11, students study 3 modules, one of which, Reading to Write: Transition to Senior English is also common to the Standard course.
In Year 12, students study 4 modules, of which the Common Module, Texts and Human Experiences, is common to Standard, Advanced and English Studies.
A Shakespearean Drama must be studied in Year 12.
English Extension
The Extension English course provides students who undertake Advanced English the opportunity to extend their skills in creative and critical ways. The course is designed for students who are accomplished in their use of English and have an interest in literature, as well as a desire to pursue a specialised study of English.
In Year 11, the course has one mandatory module: Texts, Culture and Value, as well as a related research project.
Through this module students explore the ways in which aspects and concerns of texts from the past have been carried forward, borrowed from and/or appropriated into more recent culture. They also consider how and why cultural values are maintained and changed.
In Year 12, English Extension has two levels.
English Extension 1
In the English Extension 1 course students investigate and evaluate the ways texts represent and illuminate the complexity of individual and collective lives in literary worlds.
Students complete the common module, Literary Worlds, and one elective that is chosen from the following areas:
· Literary Homelands
· Worlds of Upheaval
· Reimagined Worlds
· Literary Mindscapes
· Intersecting Worlds
English Extension 2
In the English Extension 2 Year 12 course, students develop a sustained composition, Major Work, and document their reflection on this process. This involves undertaking extensive independent investigation and exploring a range of complex texts during the composition process. This is documented in their Major Work Journal and Reflection Statement.
Students can choose to compose in ONE of the following forms:
· Short Fiction
· Creative nonfiction
· Poetry
· Critical response
· Script (short film, television, drama)
· Podcasts (drama, storytelling, speeches, performance poetry)