At Molong Central School we provide a safe and exciting learning environment for our newest members to the MCS family. Students are transitioned into formalised learning with play-based activities that are targeted at developing the range of skills needed to engage in the school setting. Students are supported and encouraged to become independent in walking into school, looking after their own things and selecting food items from their own lunch boxes.
Our curriculum is delivered and continually adjusted utilising best practice which is developed in conjunction with the latest educational research. Students receive explicit instruction in phonics and guided reading ensuring our students achieve outstanding reading and writing results. Students receive small group, individualised instruction with daily formative assessment and 5 weekly summative assessment to guide teachers in their programming.
Kindergarten students access a strong foundation in their Mathematics Education with a focus on the Number Framework and broader mathematical concepts delivered with a balance of hands on learning and written work.
Student’s enjoy many creative outlets during their first year of school. The day begins with student led creative endeavours in Jake’s Place – our infant’s playground. Student’s reap the benefits of being able to build and explore, using a range of environmental stimulus. Developmental play opportunities are embedded throughout the day and tied to curriculum delivery. Students enjoy Creative and Practical Arts Groups once a week as well as a special Infant’s Assembly where singing and celebrating each other’s achievements is the theme.
At Molong Central School we pride ourselves on developing strong relationships with our families to ensure we are considering the whole child. This partnership between local Early Education providers as well as parents and families, ensures that your child will experience the highest quality education in a safe and stimulating environment.