Science provides a distinctive view and way of thinking about the world. The study of science has led to an evolving body of knowledge organised as an interrelated set of models, theories, laws, systems, structures and interactions. It is through this body of knowledge that science provides explanations for a variety of phenomena and enables sense to be made of the biological, physical, and technological world.
An understanding of science and its social and cultural contexts provides a basis for future choices and ethical decisions about local and global applications and implications of science.
Within the 7-10 Science Scope of learning students will investigate and explore the following Strands:
Physical World (PW)
The Physical World strand is concerned with understanding the nature of forces and motion, and matter and energy. The two key concepts developed within this strand are that forces affect the motion and behaviour of objects and that energy can be transferred and transformed from one form to another. Through this strand students gain an understanding of how the concepts of force, motion, matter and energy apply to systems ranging in scale from atoms to the universe itself.
Earth and Space (ES)
The Earth and Space strand is concerned with the Earth’s dynamic structure and its place in the cosmos. The key concepts developed within this strand are that the Earth is part of a solar system that, in turn, is part of a larger universe and that the Earth is subject to change within and on its surface, over a range of timescales, as a result of natural processes. Students explore the ways that humans use resources from the Earth and appreciate the influence of human activity on the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere.
Living World (LW)
The Living World strand is concerned with understanding living things. The key concepts developed within this strand are that the cell is the basic unit of life and that there is a diverse range of living things that have evolved on Earth. Students will gain an appreciation of the interdependence of living things and how they interact with each other and the environment. Through this strand students gain an understanding of how the structure of living things relates to the functions that their body systems perform and how these features aid their survival.
Chemical World (CW)
The Chemical World strand is concerned with understanding the composition and behaviour of matter. The key concepts developed in this strand are that the chemical and physical properties of substances are determined by their structure on an atomic scale and that substances change, and new substances are produced in chemical reactions by rearranging atoms through atomic interactions and energy transfer.
Agriculture (AG)
The content integrates the study of interactions, management and sustainability within the context of agricultural enterprises. These enterprises are characterised by the production and sale or exchange of agricultural goods or services, focusing on plants, animals or integrated plant/animal systems. The local environment should be considered when selecting enterprises, as well as the intensive and extensive nature of enterprises to be studied.