As students move towards the end of their Primary school experience, Year 5 and 6 students are encouraged to become more independent in their work habits without losing the strong support of our dedicated staff. Students are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills on the Student Representative Council, as Peer Support Leaders, Reading Buddies and Premiers Sports Leaders. Furthermore at the end of Year 5, our students nominate to represent the school in our school leadership team as House Captains, Vice School Captains or School Captains.
Our students in Stage 3 have had many years of presenting speeches culminating in all Year 6 students presenting a speech to the whole school. Public speaking is a valued skill at Molong Central School as demonstrated outstanding results in CWA Public Speaking competitions as well as moving through to the finals of regional debating competitions a number of years in a row.
Our students are well prepared for the variety of literacy demands in High School with a focus on writing for a range of purposes and higher order thinking comprehension. Students develop independence and leadership during reciprocal reading activities where students take on different key roles within their groups. Our expert teachers effectively ultilise collaborative goal setting to ensure students are actively engaged with their learning and committed to achieving personal best.
Differentiation is a key feature of our Stage 3 Mathematics program and reflects our commitment to developing independent and organised learners within a supportive environment. Math Pathways begins with a thorough diagnostic test that allows teachers to identify (identifies) exactly where key concepts need further development or alternatively where students need extending. Throughout the program, students are actively engaged with daily energisers and complete online modules that are assigned to their individual needs. Small group instruction is provided in ‘mini lessons’ to ensure students receive intensive and explicit instruction in areas highlighted as being a concern.
At Molong Central School, Stage 3 reap the benefits of being a part of a Central School with weekly access to the High School Music Teacher. Creative and Practical Arts groups, the biannual School Production, individual music lessons and the renowned Year 6 Performance ensure all students are enjoying the creative opportunities of a large setting in a small inclusive environment.
Stage 3 students are digital literate citizens and access technology daily, using a range of devices. They are explicitly taught word processing, spreadsheet and publishing software and have extended knowledge of Google Classroom. Our students are lucky enough to be involved in the initial testing and rollout of ‘Kookaberries’ (a microcontroller) and last year went to Sydney to compete in Robocup, programming EV3 robots to perform to music.
Access to sporting opportunities is a highlight of Stage 3 at Molong Central School. Every year we hold our three main sporting carnivals: swimming, athletics and cross country, attend Gala days and compete in PSSA competitions. We provide our students with opportunities to play in a range of PSSA sports including, soccer, football, hockey, softball, netball and more recently squash! At Molong Central School, Stage 3 participate in daily Fitness and are explicitly taught a range of fundamental movement skills through games in Physical Education. Sport is every Friday and we join with Stage 2, rotating in mixed groups through activities such as dance, basketball, tee ball, Austag, netball, hockey, touch football, cricket, tennis and dodgeball.
All Year 5 and 6 students look forward to the bi annual multi night excursion where they meet educational outcomes whilst developing resilience and independence. Our students are reported to be some of the most respectful and courteous students time and time again – a tribute to the high expectations Molong Central School has on behaviour.