Molong Central School

Providing Opportunities for Personal Achievement

Telephone02 6366 8224

Support Class

Multi-Categorical Support Unit 

Primary Neon is a universally designed classroom for students with diagnosed disabilities from Kindergarten to Year 6. This learning space has been established as a multi-categorical class, meaning that the students can present with a range of different disabilities together in the one class.  

The class has one teacher and a full-time student learning support officer to cater socially, emotionally, physically and academically to the diverse needs of the students.  

In Primary Neon, we understand the importance of strong partnerships with families to identify strengths and areas where support may be needed, share strategies that have been effective at home or school, and to identify ways in which you can work together to create consistency across home and school. In consultation with families, each student has an Individualised Learning Plan and are working through both curriculum outcomes and life skills.

Primary Neon students, where possible, are partnered with mainstream ‘buddy’ classes for integration into activities including Sport, Physical Education, Library, excursions, performances and many other opportunities throughout the year. 

Primary Neon has many exciting resources allowing students to balance their learning time with sensory breaks and special interest projects, to increase focus, motivation and productivity.