What Is the Wellbeing Hub?
Schools are leading the way in regards to supporting students’ holistic health and wellbeing, with the establishment of Wellbeing Hubs within the school for students, staff and families to access.
This initiative is aligned closely with the Department of Education’s Wellbeing Framework for schools, which is their commitment to public schools to support students to connect, succeed and thrive at each stage of their development and learning. Thereby ensuring that at Molong Central School every student is known, valued and cared for.
The Wellbeing Hub provides a facility for visiting services and community agencies to access enabling them to provide professional support to our students and families.
The Wellbeing Hub is also the home to our School Councillor, Student Support Officer (SSO), Aboriginal Education Officers (AEO) and other Wellbeing team members from the Student Learning Support Team (SLSO).
What is the aim of the Wellbeing Hub?
The Wellbeing Hub aims to empower students, staff and parent/carers by:
- Promoting health seeking behaviours
- Providing links and referrals to external support agencies
- Facilitating telehealth appointments
- Providing educational opportunities and to facilitate wellbeing programs for the Molong School community
- Providing mental health education and support to the Molong school community
- Ensure students are recognised, respected and valued.
- Providing opportunities for students to exercise choice in the context of self-regulation, self-determination, ethical decision making and responsibility.
- Build collaborative partnerships with students, staff, families, communities and other organisations to support and develop students and the Molong Central School community.
- A commitment to ongoing development of professional practice and the ongoing improvement of student wellbeing.
- Providing resources that best meet individual and collective student needs.
- Being an extension of the school environment that is a safe and healthy place to be.
- Counselling and wellbeing services that provide essential expertise to the Molong schools community to guide student growth and development.
- Providing learning experiences that contribute to the development of individual character traits and positive group dynamics.