NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics. Approved providers deliver these, where available.
Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture. Special education in ethics is an option for your primary-age child if you withdraw them from special religious education. For more information, visit Religion and ethics.
Secondary Special Religious Education (SRE) Participation
A feature of the public education system in NSW is the opportunity to provide time in class for education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious or non-religious perspective at the choice of parents.
In accordance with Department of Education policy, SRE classes will be offered to Year 7 – Year 10 students of Molong Central School.
Inter-denominational Christian classes will be presented once per week on Wednesday’s Period 6 throughout the year, organised by core classes. Further information about the SRE program is available from the website https://sre.org.au/thinkfaith
Primary Special Religious Education (SRE) Participation
A feature of the public education system in NSW is the opportunity to provide time in class for education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious or non-religious perspective at the choice of parents.
In accordance with Department of Education policy, SRE classes will be offered to students of Molong Central School Primary Department.
Each Primary class will be allocated a Scripture Teacher and will receive instruction from this teacher every Thursday from 12:15pm-12:45pm. Further information about the SRE program is available from the website https://cepconnect.com.au/curriculum
Kindergarten is taught from Beginning with God
Years 1- 6 taught from Connect C1 (Terms 1 and 2) and Connect C2 (Terms 3 and 4)
A parent/carer may at any time notify the school in writing that they wish to change their decision about whether or not their student participates in SRE.
For more information about Special Religious Education (SRE), including the list of approved providers, please visit: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/learning-across-the-curriculum/religion-and-ethics
Students who do not attend SRE lessons are given supervised alternative meaningful activities during the allocated SRE lesson time.